K2500 (Orchestral ROM) General MIDI Disk Set (K25GMA2.ZIP)
These files are designed to make a K2500 General MIDI compatible. They are intended for use with a 2500 series instrument with the Piano & Orchestral ROMs added.
There is also a version (K2KGM3.KRZ) for a K2000 with no additional ROM blocks, and a version (K2KGMF1.KRZ) for a K2000 with all ROM blocks (Piano, Orchestral, and Contemporary) added.
Any 2500 series instrument with a minimum of 2 meg of sample RAM and the additional ROM blocks may be used. Since the GM file contains RAM samples, you will have to reload the file each time you turn the K2500 on.
To load the General MIDI file:
1. Make sure that there is nothing in the 200s and 300s bank. To do this, press MASTER, then the Delete soft button. At this point you can choose to either delete everything in RAM (By scrolling down to Everything) or you can delete just the 200s and 300s bank by selecting those banks, one at a time.
2. Put disk 1 in the drive and press DISK. Make sure SCSI# of your CD-ROM Drive is selected and press Load.
3. Select the GM file and press OK. The display will read "Load this file as 200-299". Press OK again. (Even though GM program changes go from 0-128, the file is designed so that the programs will be called up properly when loaded into the 200s and 300s bank. See "Basic Information on the GM file" below.
4. You will now be given a choice of the loading method - either Append or Fill. For this particular file, you may press either button - both methods will end up loading the file in the exact same manner.
A note about loading methods:
The General MIDI file contains more than 100 programs. Therefore, even though you are loading into the 200's Bank, the programs are actually loaded into the 200's and 300's Bank.
It is not always necessary to delete the objects from the 200's and 300's Bank before loading the GM file. If any objects already exist in the 200's Bank, you will be given a choice of Overwrite (also Over Fill, if you have v3). If you select one of these options, the K2500 will delete the objects in the 200's bank, then start loading into it.
However, this method only initially deletes the objects in the 200's Bank. If there are currently objects in the 300's, the loading process will slow down. Once the K2500 fills up the 200's Bank and moves to the 300's Bank, the K2500 will delete only one program at a time before loading a program into the need slot. (For example, it will delete program 300, then load in the new program 300, then delete 301 and load in the new 301, etc.) This method slows down the loading process considerably.
So it is always best to first delete the existing programs in the 300's Bank before loading.
Basic Information on the General MIDI File
According to the MMA, program change numbers from 0-127 must be used to call up the programs. The Bank Controller is not supported in GM. In order to avoid having to load in this file over the preset programs, we create an alternate patch map, using programs from 201-328. Here is the way it works: In addition to loading the programs, this file also loads QA banks with the GM programs ordered correctly. Then the Program Change Type parameter is changed for the default, "Extended", to "QA 0-127". This maps program changes to the locations in the QA banks.
This allows you to load in the GM programs and still be able to access the presets and any programs you might have in other banks. Keep in mind that you would only be able to access the non-GM programs for live playing. When sending program changes from your sequencer, you will only be able to call up the 128 General MIDI programs. If you want to have sequencer access to both the GM programs and the non-GM programs, you can change the Program Change Type parameter (found on the MIDI Receive and Transmit pages) back to "Extended". But at this point, any program changes in your GM sequences will no longer call up the correct sounds, and you will have to insert new program and bank change commands into the sequence to call up the programs you desire.
Another rule of GM is that the Drum channel be set to 10. Loading the file changes the Drum Channel parameter to 10 and also sets the Program Change Lock for channel 10. There are five GM drum kits in the file, stored from 329-333. To select one of these kits, go to channel 10 and call up the kit that you want. You can do this on both the Program page and the MIDI Channels page (using the Chan/Bank buttons to switch channels), or in Song Mode by selecting the Record Track assigned to Channel 10.
Loading the file also selects a basic effect, set at 37% wet/dry mix, and sets the FX Mode to Master.
The following Global parameters are changed when the GM file is loaded:
Normal Default GM Mode
Drum Channel = 1 Drum Channel = 10
FX Mode = Auto FX Mode = Master
Prog Change Type = Extended Prog Change Type = QA 0-127
Prog Change Lock (Chan 10) = Off Prog Change Lock (Chan 10) = On
All Notes Off = Normal All Notes Off = Ignore
Loading the RESETMST file sets these parameters back to the Normal Default without deleting the GM programs. Simply load the file into any bank choosing Append, Fill, or Merge (but not Overwrite or Overfill).
Loading Sequences
Since the K2500 can read Standard MIDI Files (SMFs), you may have GM sequences saved from another sequencer that you want to load. If you have version 2.13 or later, the K2500 can read both type 0 and type 1 SMFs. Previous versions can read type 0 files only.
If you load the sequence into the 200s or 300s bank, make sure you choose Append or Fill for the loading method so you don't erase the programs in those banks. Of course, you can load the sequence into any bank and it will correctly call up the right programs.